ABOUT The Portable Mini Golf Company

The Portable Mini Golf Company was founded in 2020 by 19 year old Peter Miller. The company, originally named "Mini Golf on the Go" started when a good friend of Peters asked for help converting a van into a portable house. Peter, with the little knowledge of carpentry he had, agreed to help his friend build out the van. After a few hours of helping his friend, Peter realized that he had a passion for building. Over the next week Peter helped his friend everyday with building out the van. Peter went from never using a drill before to finding his hidden passion for woodworking and carpentry. After the van was done, Peter decided to make one of his own projects. He started building a putting green that was 8 ft long by 2 ft wide. The perfect size for a small hole to fit in someone's backyard. His entrepreneurial mind started turning and he came up with the idea to build a 9 hole mini golf course and rent it out to parties and events. Wasting no time at all, Peter started building. After 2 weeks the course was done. He stored the course in his parents garage and started the process of making this unique idea a business. The Portable Mini Golf Company is now operating in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island.